How to Admit You’re Addicted

Written by Jackie Calkins

How Do You Know You Are Addicted?

Let’s face it, you can’t admit to anyone else that you have a problem with drugs or alcohol until you accept it yourself. The fact you are reading this blog means you probably recognize that you have a problem on some level already. Perhaps you’re already convinced but just looking for a way to explain it to the people you love. If that’s the case, skip to the next section. But if you’re still unsure about whether or not you have an addiction, there are some things you can do to help. 

Are you feeling like your urge to use may be getting out of control? Do you think you may be having trouble recognizing the consequences of your behavior? If so, it may be time to ask yourself some hard questions and assess if you are truly addicted. 


Here are 6 questions to ask yourself if you think you might have an addiction: 


  1. Have I tried unsuccessfully to cut back or quit using my substance of choice in the past? 
  2. Am I sacrificing activities that used to bring me joy in order to use more often? 
  3. Does my substance use feel uncontrollable despite negative consequences? 
  4. Do friends and family express concern about my usage patterns?  
  5. Has my health deteriorated due to my addiction? 
  6. Have I needed more and more of the substance in order to get the same effects?  


Answering these questions honestly can give you insight into your relationship with your substance of choice. If you find that many of these questions have a “yes” answer, it is time to reach out for help and put an end to your suffering. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to take the first step towards getting help for yourself. Call JourneyPure at the River at (615) 410-9260. What you will not find here is judgment or pressure. We are here to help and we understand addiction more than you can imagine. We’re ready to listen and we’re ready to help you. 


OK, I Accept I am Addicted– What Now? 

If you’ve already accepted that drugs or alcohol have the upper hand in your life now, that’s actually good news. It sounds like it wouldn’t be, but hear us out. The biggest obstacle to recovering from addiction that most people face in the beginning is denial and stubbornness. It sounds too simple to be true, but it is. All you need to turn the corner are TWO things.


  1. To be honest with yourself about your addiction. Tell yourself the TRUTH. 
  2. To be willing to ask for help and to TRY a different way of living. 


That’s it. Now, we’re not about to tell you those things are easy. They aren’t. In fact, recovery from addiction might be the hardest thing you ever do. It is not easy, but it is simple. So don’t tell yourself “I don’t know what to do”. That is a lie we tell ourselves so we can keep using. You know what to do. It’s just that your addiction doesn’t want you to do it.


How to Talk to Loved Ones About Your Addiction

If you have been fortunate enough to reach a moment of clarity, hold onto it! Being able to see your addiction clearly and having just enough willingness to ask for help is a very precious thing. It will take courage to admit the truth to people, but you’ve come this far already. It’s time to try and summon the bravery and courage to open up. Have you ever heard the saying “sunlight is the best disinfectant”? What that means is that opening up, transparency, and telling the truth is the best way to clean up a mess. Not admitting the truth doesn’t make it go away. The truth is the truth. 


Cut To The Chase and Give It To Them Straight

Don’t worry about disappointing the people you care about or shocking them. The chances are actually pretty good that they already suspect something is wrong and they may already know you are struggling with drugs or alcohol. They may just not know to what extent or the details. Either way, this is a talk you must have. Honesty is the best policy here. Try not to make excuses for behavior or blame anyone else for it. Just stick to the facts. Tell them what the situation is in plain language, don’t beat around the bush or use indirect language. If you’re addicted to meth, say it. If you think you’re addicted to alcohol, say that. If you think depression or anxiety or another mental health issue might also be present, mention that too. 

Saying something like “I’m worried that I can’t control my drinking and I want help. Will you help me?” is all it takes. Don’t worry about explaining how or why you became addicted. It isn’t important right now. What matters most is that the people who love you have the facts and understand exactly what you are using and how much and that you are ready for help. 


Tips for talking to your loved ones about your addiction:

  • Be honest and cut to the chase.
  • Use simple, direct language so there is no misunderstanding.
  • Don’t go into a long winded apology, just say “I’m sorry, please help”.
  • Don’t downplay or underestimate your drug use or drinking, give it to them straight. 
  • Don’t play the blame game or make excuses for why you are using. 
  • Make it clear that you are asking for help and you are willing to accept help. 


Let’s Talk About Treatment for Addiction

If you are jammed up by addiction, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. It’s ok if you’re not sure where to start. You don’t need to have all the answers! Your job is just to be as honest and as willing as you can and ask for help. That’s it.. JourneyPure at the River can help with advice and support. 

We can help you begin to put a plan into motion to get you the help you need and it’s easier than you think.. It’s never too late to stop using and turn your life around, but it does take outside help. Accept that you need help and believe that it can get better, because it will! But it all starts with asking for help. So make that phone call right now. Don’t lose another day to your addiction. 

JourneyPure is here to help. We are available 24/7. Please give us a call at (615) 410-9260


