Is Alcohol Inflammatory (Does It Cause inflammation In The Body?)

Written by Jackie Calkins

Is Alcohol Inflammatory?

Does drinking alcohol cause inflammation in the body? This is a question that many people ask, and unfortunately, it’s not an easy one to answer.

Most of us know alcohol causes all kinds of health problems: heart problems, gut problems, immune system problems. Just about every body system can be negatively affected by alcohol, even in small amounts, and especially for excess drinking. But what about inflammation specifically? And what makes inflammation so bad for you and your health?

Alcohol has long been associated with inflammation in the body, and this association has led to many misconceptions regarding the true effects of drinking. In this article, we will explore the scientific evidence surrounding the link between alcohol and inflammation in the body. We will also discuss potential ways to reduce inflammation caused by alcohol consumption.

The Link between Alcohol And Inflammation

There is a link between alcohol and inflammation in the body. Alcohol can cause inflammation, and inflammation can cause pain. The link between alcohol and inflammation is that alcohol can increase the levels of inflammatory chemicals in the body, which can lead to pain and other problems.

There are many different types of inflammation in the body, and alcohol can cause all of them. The most common form of inflammation is acute inflammation, which is the type that happens when you get a cut or a cold. This kind of inflammation usually goes away, but during its onset it’s generally worse than chronic inflammation.

Alcohol can also cause chronic inflammation, which is when the body is in a constant state of low-level inflammation. This can lead to serious health problems like heart disease and arthritis. There isn’t a one to one relationship between alcohol and arthritis, per se, but we know drinking to excess can make one at a larger risk for these diseases.

In addition, alcohol can make existing inflammatory conditions worse. If one is drinking alcohol with an inflammatory condition already present, alcohol can make the progression, onset and symptoms worse with use. If you already have a condition that causes inflammation, it’s best not to drink at all.

How Much Alcohol Causes Inflammation?

Inflammation is a key component of the body’s immune response, and alcohol consumption has been shown to increase inflammation levels in the body. While moderate alcohol consumption may not cause significant inflammation, heavy drinking can lead to a significant increase in inflammatory markers.

Alcohol consumption causes an increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are signaling molecules that promote inflammation. These cytokines can trigger an inflammatory response even in the absence of infection or injury. In addition, alcohol consumption interferes with the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines, further exacerbating the inflammatory response.

Heavy drinkers are also at risk for developing alcoholic hepatitis, a condition characterized by widespread inflammation of the liver. Alcoholic hepatitis can lead to liver failure and death if left untreated. Treatment for alcoholic hepatitis typically includes abstinence from alcohol and aggressive supportive care.

If you drink alcohol regularly, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption. If you experience any symptoms of liver damage or other complications from drinking, it’s important to seek medical help immediately.

How to Reduce Inflammation from Alcohol

How to Reduce Inflammation from Alcohol -

While there is no way to safely drink with zero risk of inflammation, there are a few things you can do to lessen the impact of inflammation on your body. However, the best solution is always to stop drinking completely. There likely isn’t a safe amount of alcohol to drink for those with alcohol-induced inflammation (unless a doctor tells you otherwise), and the best course of action is to simply quit.

You can, thought reduce inflammation from alcohol by:

  • avoiding or cutting back on problem drinks like beer, wine, and hard liquor
  • drinking in moderation
  • eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
  • exercising regularly
  • managing stress levels
  • getting enough sleep

You’ll notice, many of these habits are just the healthy daily habits of life. Living healthy makes you feel healthy (and it will improve your mood and mental health as well.)

Get Help For Problem Drinking And Health Problems Associated With Drinking

Alcohol can indeed cause inflammation in the body. The jury is still out about even drinking moderate amounts of alcohol (even moderate amounts may still negatively impact your health), heavy drinking or binge drinking can increase inflammation levels and lead to a number of serious health problems.

It is important to be aware of your own limits when it comes to consuming alcohol and the effects that it may have on your body. If you find yourself struggling with an unhealthy relationship with alcohol or if you are experiencing symptoms such as inflammation due to excessive drinking, give us a call  right away in order to get back on track towards better health.

We can be reached at (888) 392-5877 and are looking forward to helping you to get healthy and pain free again, and lessen the impacts of inflammation on your body.

